Friday 1 November 2019

Happy World Vegan Day

It's World Vegan Day today!  The fact that we have a World Vegan Day (and month) is one of the many things that prove how far things of a vegan kind have moved along. This year is special too as it marks the 75th anniversary of the foundation of The Vegan Society. Looking forward, with half of all vegans now (according to The Vegan Society) being aged between 15-34 years old, the vegan future looks very bright indeed.  As vegans, it is definitely worth celebrating.  

Some vegans focus on the fact that there is still so much abuse, damage and negative impact on the world and our fellow beings.  I agree, there is still so much that can change.  However, let's spend at least some time feeling positive that changes are happening and the world is waking up to a more sensitive and kind future.  World Vegan Day and month should be a time to reflect on the positivity as well as an opportunity to get that positivity 'out there'.  

Thinking back a few years, us vegans got nothing but abuse and silly questions.  Whilst some silly lines of questioning still exist, for the most part I get positive comments and curious questions, as well as being often asked for advice.  Being positive and leading by example have always been my approach.  I reserve the 'stinging' responses and comments for those that are still stuck in the denial stage and choose to attack with the old fashioned line of questioning!

Whilst our own long term experience of living as vegans can offer a really good example and reference point for those who are curious, it is also good to have a collection of resources and references at hand for them to explore for themselves.  Both The Vegan Society and Viva! provide oodles of information on their websites, so form the backbone of all that new and existing vegans might need to know.  For the tech savvy The Vegan Society have an app called VeGuide which provides a 30 day plan to guide anyone through the first stages of going and staying vegan.  I am a particular fan of Viva!'s Vegan Recipe Club and will often refer people to it for an amazing array of recipes to discover and try.  There is even a special World Vegan Day recipe and meal plan section on there at the moment.  Again, for the tech savvy, there's an app for the Vegan Recipe Club too.

Experience, leading by example, positivity, good resources and of course helping people discover the tasty wonders of vegan food; they are all big influencers.  The multitude of films that have hit our small, big and internet screens over the past few years have also had a massive effect and for that reason, they are always worth supporting, watching, and recommending.  There now seems to be a 'vegan' film for every angle whether that be environmental (Cowspiracy), animal abuse (Earthlings), health (What The Health) and more recently the benefits to physical performance (The Game Changers); all, amongst others, influencing people's attitudes towards plant based living on many levels. 

For those of you who are reading this blogpost and are vegan, I raise a glass to you in celebration of how far we have all come together on this fine World Vegan Day.  I mostly wrote this post to say that to you and to thank all you dedicated individuals and groups around the world who've made that happen. 

For vegans in need of resources to share with others, and for the vegan curious, I also wanted to share my main sources of positive influencing tools, as I have done above.  They are fairly obvious ones, and there are so many more out there, but I hope they are useful in some way to all of you.  Happy World Vegan Day!

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