It is December so I reckon it is okay to mention the C word now (not that I haven't already). Besides time is creeping on and if you want to do that whole Christmas card thing, it's about time you got on with it!
Although I don't go mad with cards, I do like to send some. However, I do struggle finding ones that fit how I feel about the season. Not so this year as, with complete delight, I discovered a set of wonderfully bright, bold and very vegan Christmas cards in a shop in Glastonbury. I've found out more about them since.
The Seasonal Veggies range of Christmas cards by Go La La (pictured at the top) comes in 8 different designs created by a dedicated vegan. You can read more about them in the link above, including how to buy them direct from the website and details on how to get your own local retailer to stock them. Alternatively you can purchase any of the 8 designs from EBay.

I didn't just send these cards to vegans. Of course I know it will put a smile on the faces of those vegans I did send to. I am also however hoping that these cards will stand out on the mantelpieces of the non-vegans too and just spread a little vegan thought throughout the festive season and beyond.
Here's to a more compassionate season to all creatures over the Festive period and beyond.
Here's to a more compassionate season to all creatures over the Festive period and beyond.