Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Wave Energy and Vitamin FA

Much is spoken about the nutritional value of food and lifestyle choices these days.  We should or shouldn't eat this or that, we should take this or that supplement, we should or shouldn't do this or that thing.  Whatever.  Undoubtedly though there are a couple of things that us vegans should be considering, as good as our diets may be.  

Some of you may get your vegan health essentials in other ways equally as valuable to body and mind, but for us we couldn't live without our Cornish Wave Energy.  There just seems to be such an energising and soothing feeling when you take the time to watch those waves roll in, or in Phil's case, ride them in.  Perhaps that is one of the main reasons many people head to the coast for holidays. 

Vitamin FA may be one vitamin that is not talked about too much in the medical journals and for good reason.  The pharma business surely would not want you to know about such essential nutritional values as it is totally free and of no monetary value to any big business venture.  It is super important though.  Vitamin FA is indeed Fresh Air.  Okay, so fresh air isn't an actual vitamin but its health benefits are very real, along with the very real and beneficial ability to grab some essential Vitamin D from being outdoors.  

Put Wave Energy and Vitamin FA together and you 'double your money' as it seems that these wonderful things called negative ions (which seem misnamed if you ask me) are in their highest concentration around moving water.  Scientific research claims that negative ions can reduce fatigue, depression, seasonal affective disorder and colds; amongst other debilitating mental and physical symptoms.

How many of us get a good dose of fresh air and daylight on a regular basis, especially at this time of year?  I know that, with all the inclement weather we have recently been experiencing, I feel I haven't been getting enough fresh air and daylight and the messy sea offerings haven't exactly given Phil much chance to recharge his wave energy.  

With this in mind therefore, at any opportunity to 'get out there', we will.  Phil has managed a couple of surfs here and there the last week and we have both been out stomping our home patch when the rain stops falling and the wind stops blowing sand sideways into our faces.  Physically it felt great and, with beautiful waves to gaze at, seals, choughs and oyster catchers to observe and wonder at, it was more than a breath of fresh air.  Mentally it allowed us to clear away some of those winter cobwebs of the mind and peer through to the not so distant spring.  

For details on stockists of Vitamin FA®, Wave Energy® and Negative Ions®, follow the link* to the outside world.  

* PS. There is no link.  Just step away from the computer, open the door and go outside!  It isn't Trade Marked and doesn't cost a thing!

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