Sunday delivered us another beautiful sunny day so with no surf for Phil in the offing, we decided to head down west to Zennor Moor for a walk. The gorse was filling the air with coconut aromas and the sky was so clear you could see for miles. From up high you can see both coasts and today you could even see the faint shadow of the Scilly Isles on the horizon.
We also bumped into grazing horses; employed to naturally manage the vegetation along the path. They seemed to be enjoying the gorse in particular, nibbling away at the flowers, careful to avoid the prickly stuff.
We topped off our afternoon by grabbing a vegan Sunflower Burger (ginger, coriander and chilli tofu burger with tahini sauce, sweet roast peppers and fresh salad sprouts) from Blas Burgerworks in St Ives.
Blas Burgerworks is sadly not totally veggie/vegan but they should be congratulated at least on providing a fine homemade vegan burger and clearly marking it up as such. It's not cheap but it is very tasty (watch out for the fresh chillis hiding inside though!).
I searched for ages trying to find the song Zennor Hill by Martha Tilston to share with you all to no avail. It was buzzing in our heads most of the afternoon as we walked around Zennor. Check it out if you do find it but in the meantime, here are the lyrics.
Zennor Hill
She had sea breeze hair, sun in her skin.
They charged into the ocean like horses wild.
We built castles, we dipped in
I watched them and
wished I'd been a Viking child.
There we stood on top of Zennor Hill
In the bud of life
And the land was still.
Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay High on Zennor Hill
Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay High on Zennor Hill
We walked all day to St. Ives Bay
And the Clementine sun it burnt our London skin.
Wild and happy-tired we ambled over hills
Beside the Cornish sea glowed as the sun fell in
And there she was our glistening harbour town.
Into the cobbled streets we ran down.
Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay High on Zennor Hill
Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay High on Zennor Hill
Well we had sea breeze hair, sun in our skin
We charged into the ocean like horses wild.
Wild and happy-tired we ambled through the waves
There the Cornish sea glowed as the land was still
There we stood below our Zennor Hill
In the bud of life
And the land was still.
She had sea breeze hair, sun in her skin.
They charged into the ocean like horses wild.
We built castles, we dipped in
I watched them and
wished I'd been a Viking child.
There we stood on top of Zennor Hill
In the bud of life
And the land was still.
Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay High on Zennor Hill
Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay High on Zennor Hill
We walked all day to St. Ives Bay
And the Clementine sun it burnt our London skin.
Wild and happy-tired we ambled over hills
Beside the Cornish sea glowed as the sun fell in
And there she was our glistening harbour town.
Into the cobbled streets we ran down.
Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay High on Zennor Hill
Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay High on Zennor Hill
Well we had sea breeze hair, sun in our skin
We charged into the ocean like horses wild.
Wild and happy-tired we ambled through the waves
There the Cornish sea glowed as the land was still
There we stood below our Zennor Hill
In the bud of life
And the land was still.